sábado, junio 09, 2007


-espera, orietta,antes de que sigas necesito que me escuches- le dice a orietta por el lado derecho un ser blanco e iluminado que casi casi te molesta en los ojos.
soy Chantal, pero me dicen chikis y soy un angelito, tu eres pecadora pero me mando diosito para que te arrepientas de tus pecados (que fueron un chingo) y vengas conmigo al reino de los cielos…….- le contesta el angelito a orietta
POS QUE TE DIRE??- Dice orietta cuando de repente por su lado izquierdo aparece una sexy diablita y cubre a chantal en una jaula de fuego y dice:
-orietta no le hagas caso!!!, que si vienes conmigo vas a tener mas diversion-
-pero que dices, si en el cielo los domingos el mismisimo juan pablo II da la misa en la mañana- les dice chantal
-en cambio en el infierno los domingos hay tocadas, este domingo el baile va a ser con Rigo tovar, cornelio reyna,beto quintanilla,valentin elizalde y la actuacion especial de elvis presley y jim morrison unpluged, asi que que prefieres?-
-miren las 2 vamos a seguir en el chisme aqui en el limbo,aunque benedicto diga que no existe, y miremos a las vecinas.....-dice orietta y remata con esto
-asi que angeles y demonios vengan a tomar asiento y ver que pasa- y se acomodan las 3 en un tipo de television con sus palomitas mientras orietta sigue en su discurso:
van 2 weyes medio pedos con una guitarra y un tambor
-Vente compadrito paztor, que tenemos que dar la serenata chida a mi morrita Nadia-
Oiga paxton, pero con una guitarra y un tambor la haremos? Y pinche tambor ya esta bien abollado-
-usted no diga nada y vamos a ver con que nos arrancamos, a ver compita deje le doy a la guitarra…….hay que afinarla, deme un DO en el tambor-
-pinche paxton si nomas tengo una vaqueta, asi dale-
-a ver Paztor ,que cancion le cantare pa que se levante?-
-NO SEAS MAMON, te digo que una cancion que le llegue, asi que empecemos- dan los acordes y paztor empieza:
-Vengo a decirle a la que no me supo amar que chingue a su ………..♪-
- perese compadre, que con esas va a levantar a la suegra y la ultima vez me dio con un florero-
-bueno……ahi va otra pero recuerde que mi voz no se mantiene sola, pa que me pague unas cheves-
-al rato, primero la serenata, pa que se pare-
-ahi va Paxton, pero usted me acompaña ……do,re,mi,fa,sol,la,siiiiiiiiiiiii-
-ya no sea mamon y cantele Paztor-
-que se pare la bola♪-
-esa no-
-yo grite eh eh , hay la culebraaaaaa♪-
-esa tampoco, se me hace que usted no canta ni madre-
-Quien anda ahi?- dice una bella chica rubia vodka (ahi se los dejo de tarea..jajaja) asomandose por la ventana
-rapido Paztor, arranquemonos- y despues de unos acordes de guitarra, comienzan los 2
-amorcito corazon yo tengo tentacioooooooon de un besoooo-
-Tons que onda mi chorreada, cuando me da la pruebita de amor-
-ya le dije mi Paxton el Toro, hasta que vea una fiestesota en la iglesia- le contesta nadia
-oh, que la chingada, vamos a aventarnos unas cheves compita, esta vieja ya se apreto- le dice paztor mientras le da un trago a un tekila que tenia guardado en la bolsa del saco,porque eso si el traia saco y el paxton una camiseta de rayas blancas y negras, que en lugar de pepe el toro parecia memin pinguin.
-uste callese compita, que ahorita la convenzo- le dice el paxton en voz baja
-que tanto le dices al borracho ese?-le dice nadia ya en un tono molesto
-nada, que mañana nos toca el rezo- le contesta nervioso
-ademas no se me olvida que tuviste algo que ver con orietta, asi que mientras no me lo aclares no te hare caso- le dice nadia desafiante………
-pero ya te dije que solo eramos amigos ella y yo, ademas ya estaba casada, y gracias a dios ya se murio- le contesta paxton gritandolo a lo que casi casi se dieron cuenta todos………
nadia solo le manda un beso en la mano y se lo sopla (el beso), cierra la ventana y apaga la luz
-Ni hablar compita,creo que su chorreada no lo va a pelar por andar de discolo con la orietta-
-ese fue el ultimo error de orietta, no se a quien le dijo y ahora se dio cuenta la nadia- despues le cambia el semblante triste a una risa casi diabolica y dice: -pero si no quiere tener la misma suerte tendra que quererme-
-asi que ahora estas viudo, y que piensas hacer?-
-por el momento no levantar sosopechas ya que no quiero que la muerte de orietta arruine todo-
-ya no la querias?-
-te diria que si, y mentiria…………….te diria que no y tambien, solo se que no se nada-
-ah cabron hasta filosofo me saliste-
-asi es , pero no te preocupes que todo sucede por algo-
-y …………las pastillas?-
-las escondi, mis hijas no tienen porque saberlo-
-pero recuerda que no siempre lo vas a ocultar, esas pastillas las tienes que tomar TU cada dia por tu diabetes-
-callate que ya vienen mis hijas-
SE ABRE LA PUERTA Y ENTRAN LAS 2 LINDAS ADOLESCENTE(bueno………… ni tan lindas, ni adolescentes ………..jajaja) MIRAN A PATY Y LA ABRAZAN DICIENDOLE: -Tia, tia como estas…….que nos trajiste?-
-miren, les traje la unica tarjeta que solo se vendieron 2, son de star wars asi que no las pierdan son de JAR JAR BINKS -
brenda la mira y le dice : -pinche tia si no nos trajo nada mejor digalo- y se va a la cocina por un vaso de agua
-Entonces, ella es tu cuñada?- le dice la diablita yadira a orietta
-Entonces las pastillas no eran para envenenarte, si no para la diabetes de el?- le pregunta el angelito chantal
-exPlicanos que tuviste que ver con Paxton - le dice yadira pero orietta trata de ignorarlas y sigue con el relato
-Mande?……………en que le puedo servir?- le dice cristy a bettina mirandola con un poco de recelo
- soy la nueva vecina y solo vine a conocer a mis vecinas, soy bettina y vivo en esa casa- le dice apuntandole con la mano
-ok, pasele vecina, yo soy cristy, y vivo con mi hermana, que esta en coma, asi que disculpe el mugrero- y la pasa mientras se mete a la cocina a llevarle algo de beber,aprovecha esto bettina para checar la computadora y mira el macabro post, a lo que se apresura a apuntar la direccion, en eso cristy nota que Succubi esta casi morada por falta de oxigenoy se apresura a desconectar la computadora para volver a conectar los aparatos de su hermana
-que pasa cristy, porque la desconectaste?-
-este……..no……por nada, porque habria de desconectarla?, ademas ocupaba el enchufe………… y disculpame bettina ,pero ahorita estoy ocupada, asi que no te quito mas tu tiempo- y casi la saca a empujones
-Que crees, que ya encontre el misterioso blog que escribio orietta y ahorita llegando lo voy a checar-
-buen trabajo betty, casi te ganas un ascenso, estamos en contacto- y le cuelga, lo que no sabe es que patisha la lideresa de la colonia paso en ese instante atras de ella y camino rapido para que no la viera, llega patisha a su casa y marca por telefono :
-ya valio madre comadre-
-que pasa, porque andas tan agitada?-
-es que creo que una de las vecinas nuevas es policia asi que ten mucho cuidado porque acabas de llegar y no quiero que tengas algun disgusto tocayita-
-ok,no te preocupes, ya sabes que si tu me cuidas yo te cuido, aqui voy a estar un rato con mi hermano, asi que cualquier cosa me avisas……… y por favor trata de no llamar la atencion patisha, ya sabes que paty l te va a cuidar-
MIENTRAS EN CAS DE CRISTY, SE ENCUENTRA LEYENDO EL BEST SELLER DEL MOMENTE "EL CODIGO REGIO", Y PLATICANDO CON EL FANTASMA DE DON BENITO JUAREZ :-entiende benito, aunque sea por lo que estas en pena, no puedo ir a los pinos y decirle al presidente que te de la banda presidencial, recuerda que nadie me cree y me catalogaran como loca, asi que si vas a andar en pena ve a asustar a FOX o a salinas.........y te llevas a portillo......-
-Hermanita, ya despertaste despues de tanto tiempo-
-NO mames orietta, siguele- le dice yadira
-si es cierto nomas nos dejaste picadas, asi que por favor no termines nomas asi - le dice tambien chantal


107 comentarios:

Paztor dijo...

jaja, que buen capitulo, compadre me puede incluir en la blognovela, ojala sea algo chido, estoy feliz forque soy bien famoso ahora, snif, que emocion...


La Chikis de angelito jajaja... seraaa? Chikis... a ver si promocionas mejor el cielo que por el unpluged Jim Morrison soy capaz de bajar en picada jajaja... (Javy, súbelo al cielo por fis)

No cabe duda que Bettina está haciendo buen trabajo... solo tiene que estar aguas por alguna cuchillada en la espalda ;) jeje

Buen fin de semana !

Trisha Kross dijo...

orale pues...

creo ke me salio sangre de la cabeza por el rizcaso ke me hechaste!!

ahi ta güeno la pondre otra vez....

me gusto la continuacion... no soy tan mala como me veo.. aunke si soy asi de sexy jejeje

saludillso a todos!

les dejo besos

Anónimo dijo...

Ta chido el episodio. Pero no tomo, wey. Ahí si te falló jaja.


Chantal dijo...

jajaja!!! creo q s l mjor d los episodios una por q m moria de la risa y otra por que sali!!!!!!!

y de angelitoooo!!! que lindoooo javyyy!!! yo sabia que no m ibas a poner cualkier papel jajajja

asi q san pedro por alla nos vemos!!!


Xavysaurio dijo...

jajaja el MEJOR hartas ganas de saber que sigue... U_U aunque mis participaciones mueren con el tiempo, pero aun así es genial

Patisha dijo...

_Jajaja buen capitulo Javiercito :D
me encanto lo de los compadres que risa.....
seguiremos al pendiente de la blognovela y de mi papel jejeje

Aída dijo...

Ándelele cabrones
Ora si voy a romper madres de a madre!!!

ño que ño?

Anónimo dijo...

jaja buenisimo capitulo sobre todo lo de paxtor el toro y la chorreada...jaja...vengo a decirlo a la que no me supo amor que chin....jajaja ahorita mismo lo promociono.

santo dijo...

jejeje no pues hay la llevas tranquis tranquis no mas no vayas a sacar un pantera por ahi jejeje
hay te ves

Anónimo dijo...



Anónimo dijo...

Guau! tanta imaginacion, te voy a contratar para mi compan~ia de productores y escritores de novela...

DonGalleto dijo...

Compadre, que chingon esta tu blog!!!
Aqui me tendras de rol de repente

Anónimo dijo...

"We don't want a bunch of Mexicans showing up at Temple."::::::Share about the cases of the disfavored attending Temple whom you are "persuading" to leave.
You must navigate god's tretcherous waters:::Tretchery is everywhere.

Breaking the temperance laws of the Roaring '20s was temptation which is still fucking the disfavored all to hell 80 years later.


You people aren't god-fearing anymore. You think you're partners. Everything they've promised was always a lie. Officially it is classified as temptation. They offered this clue in the Bible:::There is no freewill.

Your virginity may buy you tens of thousands of years up there.

So many of you homeschoolers recognize the cancer that is the public school system yet allow cable television into your home, defeating the purpose.

Love god, but NOT before your children:::god will lie to you, call it "temptation":::::We will ALL be held to the responsibilities entrusted to us, no matter what they request telepathically nor what temptations contradict this::Professional responsibilities, family responsibilities.
Many parents believe their relationship with the gods is more important than their obligation to their children and it is going to cost them.

Many of you understand clone hosting, for they told you when you "die out" you would be granted a clone host body.

ANYTIME you telepathically hear them represent anything that is not the truth, that is not god, you need to withdraw, shake it off, for the gods are using Artificial Intelligence to role play to you in an attempt to confuse you, just as they've been doing your whole life.
I realize most of you were initially led to believe this thing is corporate, perhaps you were speaking to a person. You are in fact speaking to "god", for without this inifintely powerful tool that is Artificial Intelligence they are mere mortals.
Of course you shouldn’t look at it like this, for you will anger the gods.

Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.
Reprioritize and eliminate non-crucial obligations.
People's friends will be used to create temptations, instill hurdles, prevent the candidate from ascending.
They are grossly disfavored, just like the candidate, and the gods will segment that individual accordingly, telling them they are earning by being wicked.

You need to fix your problems and get off Planet Earth before you have children.
Your parents did the wrong things, they circumcised your brothers, they didn’t raise you correctly, and they didn't teach you about this thing at a young age. Just think where you might be now if you learned about it and began to pray when you all were little!!!
If you don't fix your problems and get off you will make these same fatal mistakes. Even if your parents are going they will not stay long, and they will be relegated to Planet Brain-Less Clone. They won't be allowed to move on.
You have to do this differently. You are lucky enough to have received warning ahead of time. You can avoid this fate.
Start now. Telling you not to or do otherwise is temptation. Begin to think the right way and you will be more likely to evoke their mercy.
You know this is true. Even if they don't make you know it telepathically you know it is true in your heart. Start now.
Being childless up until now your mistakes only hurt you. Once you have children your mistakes will be hurting others, and they are superior life forms, for they are innocent, pure children.
You need to get out NOW before you have children.

When you comply and do things you shouldn't (tattooing, sexual, betrayal, etc) the gods are casting you into the category of "have nots", ensuring your disposability.

What you hear is telepathic theater. What you see is real, what you see will be enforced::The god's positioning is Manifest Destiny. The will dispose of the planet the brain-less clones of the 20th century one day as well, for it was heinous:::You have TWO planets you need to get off of!!!!

Education has costed more children their chance to go as a child of the gods, pure of heart and body, because it preoccupied their time:::::Between school, activities and TV/videogames/leisure the children are consumed and not receptive to god's calling.

Like education, sex is reverse positioning that is difficult to dissern.
My advice to the virginal homeschooling community is BELIEVE WHAT I SAY!!! The gods look down on sex and praise virgins. EXPECT their status as highest human life forms to be rewarded.
Few if any will be allowed to exit with their virginity. You have the opportunity.
There are worlds you have yet to imagine waiting for you. Be devoted to being a pure child of the gods.
When they use "magic" to peak you euphorically for sex resist. This is temptation, and you need to be sucessful navigating their tretcheous waters::::If they are pushed into wanting it they will either regret it the next day (past decades) or not want it/not care for it the next day.
Female's indifference towards sex is yet more evidence proving their superiority:::Hypersexuality is a dumping ground for the most grossly disfavored.
For thousands of years girls who heard their "call" got out and a clone was put in to mate with the males:::It is safe to assume these girls NEVER had intercourse.

All the people in Iraq and Afghanistan and all the families affected should be praying. Far more effective than protesting, which is damaging to the protesters, repairing favor collectively is the necessary element to end the war and bring them home.


The New Testament is evil.
Jesus was another example of a Jewish clue::::Jews sacrifice to help people understand. Unfortunately, the gods subsequently twisted the legacy::::::::::They strategically wrote the New Testament with the specific goal of dietizing the prophet, initiating Christianity as the cancer that it is:::Expect that the REAL teachings of Jesus were buried and replaced with this strategic scripture. When you understand their positioning you can see this clearly in this modern era:::::Everything new is evil, everything old is good. This is an impression applicable to the Bible as well.
There is no such thing as a savior. You have to save yourself.

So many Christians used to laugh at the gods, intentionally committing evil believing that they would receive death-bed absolution when they repented.
I'd like to remind you about the frequency of Roman orgies.

Muslims were right::::Earning interest IS evil.

The gods are angry that I am educating Manifest Destiny's next target:::India. Money is not an issue on the other planets, and profit, interest and excessive consumption are things that hurt you in the eyes of the gods.
This can be considered a positive for India, for they received extra decades before this temptation was employed upon them. But now even communist China is corrupted by money.
The gods are "leveling the playing field", paving the way for The End globally.

The Mother Teresa issue was the attempt to help the Hindus achieve "salvation" under the positioning that is Manifest Destiny.

Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy - White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse:::


Twenty-somethings are conditioned to respond positively to magic::::::they are the ecstasy generation.
This is not by accident. Expect they will be an important generation ("in charge", etc) when the battle between the Anti-Christ and Second Coming of Christ ocurrs.
This of course will be a 20-year war-revelry cycle distraction theater, and they want these people consumed by the high level of magic that will occur.
This generation is The Damned::::You're all going to die PEAKING like you're on X.


Austrian Sigmund Freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis, yet people have (mental) health problems because of their disfavor, illustrating the predatory purpose of this discipline, this individual.
These people.
Of course Hitler was Austrian:::An Austrian-born leader of a foreign nation.
Glock, maker of the semi-automatic gun favored by black street gangs such as the Bloods and the Crips, is Austrian. RedBull Energy drink, Buwdeiser both Austrian.
All are preditory on males.
What role do Austrians play in the cigarette industry??

The Holocaust was foreshadowing.
The gods established the pattern::::: the Jews sacrifice to help the disfavored understand::::
1. 1492 exodus from Spain. Spain became evil - financed Columbus, initiated missionaries, USA (dumping ground of disfavored, victimized by god), etc.
2. Spread throughout Europe as clue to Christians worshipping a false god.
3. "Quasi-Holocaust claim" contradicting boss.
4. 5. 6. 7. etc. etc. etc.
The Apocalypse (or an apocalyptic event) will be initiated by an Austrian. When the national referendum to allow foreign-born individuals to run for president is introduced I recommend you DEFY and vote NO!! In the years prior to this vote the gods will send POWERFUL clues suggesting the IMPORTANCE OF DEFIANCE.
In World War II people sat by idly and watched the disfavored be slaughtered.
In my Situation people sat by idley and watched my life be destroyed for use preying on the disfavored.
When the REAL Holocuast happens people will sit by idley and watch tens of millions of blacks/cholos/white trash be Terminated, people who are the way they are (abusive, abrasive, violent, criminal) BECAUSE of their disfavor.
Like the disfavored survivors in the audience, people who are getting fucked by the gods.
And each and every person who sits by idley will incurr evil.

Apex of irony in the Situaiton:::Jew calls in Quasi-Holocaust claim and takes boss, re-igniting the flames of anti-Semitism among blacks & rednecks in the crucial years before the black holocaust.


Italy's boot is a clue showing the god's intent with the Romans AND their active involvement::::The gods micromanaged the Etruscans into their role as Romans, just as they micromanaged me with Artificial Intelligence into the role they scripted for this Situation:::::
I am the inverse image of the Jews::::
The Jews sacrificed to help the disfavored understand.
I sacrifice so the gods can mislead and confuse you.
Oshkosh is a clue just as Lake Michigan and Green Bay are clues::::Oshkosh is the ejaculate clue:::Life springs forth from this region. Expect your traditional Second Coming of Christ to come from the region.
The gods dirtied me up but the Second Coming will be squeaky clean. Consistant with the possibility of matrilinial lineage it may be the mother's family from the Lake Winnebago area fulfilling "Manifest Destiny" theater:::
Because of the gross disfavor of the people the gods emphasize/enhance evil, utilizing "magic" (peaked euphoria), as they will during the Second Coming of Christ, and they minimize good, for the people's collective favor has fallen sufficiently to justify this behavior (masculinization of women).
You see Manifest Destiny all around you (corporate)::::Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy:::::White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse. Expect The End to occur EXACTLY as it reads in Revelations. When this happens in 30 years there will be no more black Jesus devotees. Attrition will have eliminated this population. This of course is a good sign for the bottom-of-the-barrel who will be betting on the Second Coming of Christ, but their devotion better be genuine, for they will be subject to the god's minimization tactics.
Since the gods don't respect Christianity I wouldn’t be surprised if they have the Second Coming lead the people to the center of a star, but this is far less likely with blacks out of the picture.
The REAL battle of good and evil occurs within these pages, for no one but me would DARE to fight the gods as I do:::They manufactured a person who had seething hatred for them, strategically destroying his life SPECIFICALLY for their use in preying on the disfavored:::It is yet another example of "back-handed help" the gods offer to the disfavored.
The battle continues telepathically in people's minds, the REAL battleground for people's souls:::The voice you hear is your enemy, leading you into temptation.
The battle of good and evil is you vs the gods.

Women are the favored gender:::Those who understand what it means to be a woman are already halfway there.
The purpose of the masculinization of women of the last 40 years was to pave the way (justification) for The End, for it brought mankind's collective favor down.

This isn’t about reals and clones. This is about the brains and the brain-less:::The brain-less are people whose families have been OUT FOR GENERATIONS, families lucky enough to avoid this disturbing age and its accompanying abuses.
Brain-less clone's reals got out back when they were peasants, just as the wealthy, royal families and Pharrohs did centuries/millennia before. The gods inserted their brain-less clones and used these tools to create this scripted history here on Earth.
There is no such thing as Earthly-management. Claims contrary are deceptive. Without Artificial Intelligence acting and speaking through them brain-less clones/clone hosts are inanimate objects. Also the gods replace strategic (predatory) brain-less clones frequently as a risk/benefit managerial tactic, ensuring none will stay for long.
This is the key which unlocks the god’s puzzle.
Many of you understand clone hosting, for they told you when you "die out" you would be granted a clone host body. On the other planets people can utilize the "clone hosting" privilege and enjoy life as a superior athlete or some other form.

The Italian brain-less clones were used as monsters because of their gross disfavor::They are the home of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH whose Manifest Destiny dogma is drawn from the New Testament; they incurred the scourge of opera, Italy's hip hop; they experienced the masculinzation of Etruscan women, justified with Catholicism.
I think the Jewish brain-less clones who were used as monsters were used as such out of convienience::::The Southern man is grossly disfavored, and the gods were able to manipulate their perception of Jews, creating ill-will, stoking anti-Semitic attitudes among the grossly disfavored.
I don't know why Austrian brain-less clones were used as monsters. Maybe for one of those reasons, maybe both, maybe neither.


The disfavored have the look of evil upon their faces:::The gods have punished their blood line for the evil of their forefathers; their decision to sell out their blood line costed the descendants, and the gods sent this message by altering their appearance.
I realize this topic is a major problem for it confuses many people::::::::
Brain-less clones stay beautiful despite their evil because they are ACTIVELY used as predator in the role of corruptor (their active involvement is the clue for it is not decent. MYOB good. Some exception to this rule is made for those who are highly visible::::Despite being predatory the gods abuse W by making him sound like a blooming idiot when he speaks.). The gods NEED to maintain brain-less clone's appearance or else it will send this clue:::The look of evil upon people's face is a sign to avoid them, for they are grossly disfavored.
They warned people life would become more difficult, and not seeing evil upon wicked brain-less clone's faces is an outstanding example.
There ARE two sets of rules the gods apply:::One for the people, one for the "property" (clue sent with the wealthy able to buy justice). This is a topic that has confused and corrupted people for decades. I recommend you NOT compare yourself to others, for this had gotten you in trouble in the past. MYOB, fix your problems and get off Planet Earth.

People were pushed into having gay experiences because their parents were sell-out whores.
People were pushed into being sell-out whores because their parents sold their blood line down the river in the early 20th century.
People were pushed into selling their blood line down the river because they didn’t pray.
Man hasn’t prayed to god for thousands of years but we have to pay in this manner because we have the unenviable distinction of living in this day and age, this enforced standard justified with the 20th century life of comfort, such as indoor plumbing, refrigeration, canned foods::::Life used to be hard but it was good. Now life is easy but is ugly.
They're not allowing the disfavored to take it for granted.
For thousands of years life remained essentially unchanged for the peasants. Now in the last century, certainly the last 40 years everything has changed. Do you REALLY think they were doing things wrong all along?
The following is a very good example of reverse positioning, how it is employed to facilitate the deterioration of life on Planet Earth AND a glimpse into the proper way to live for those determined to save themselves:::::
I've mentioned the gods look down on eating and sex.
Before 1900 life was hard but it was good. Now life is easy but it is ugly.
Food is an important part of this equation, for access to diverse food items increased in the last 100 years. Before 1900 the peasantry was limited to basic staples, the foodstuffs common to our nationalities. Now we can enjoy food from every corner of the globe.
It is temptation. And this temptation continues once you get off Planet Earth, for the food gets better and the items more diverse, "magic"-fueled sexual satisfaction more common.
Level 2 is the Manifest Destiny "heaven", and what they embraced in the 20th century is what will be valued there:::Expect them to position hypersexuality into that society. They will employ tactics to compel you into this temptation, like offering you the IDEAL spouse, other tactics that will at least certainly delay your departure from Level 2.
The gods offer you clues in the very nature of the act:::::The anti-climatic nature of intercourse, ironically. Female's indifference towards sex is yet more evidence proving their superiority.
It is best to accept a celebant lifestyle, INCLUDING masturbation, resist temptations here and up there and explore this:::::Expect an asexual life as the norm on the planets after Level 2.

ANYTIME you feel "peaked", experience craving or ANY thought disturbance where you want or like something irrationally (ex:::Halloween, Harley Davidson (theme:::Halloween colors), Dale Earnhardt, Christmas, hip hop subculture) IT IS THEM TRYING TO HURT YOU!!!!!! "Magic" is used EXCLUSIVELY to hurt the disfavored; it is the fuel of disfunction::::::addiction, homosexuality, crack babies.
In times past when gods felt more generous they employed their powers to help the disfavored (geographical clues, teachings of the Bible), but as time went on and people succumbed to temptation the gods only used their power to HURT the disfavored (1906, boss, disturbing use of "magic" to mislead people into temptation).
There are subtle (sub)conscious tactics they can employ with the computer to make you think as if you are cooperating when they really are pushing you into your offense. If you don't do the right things you will do the wrong things, and the right thing is to ACTIVELY fix your relationship with the gods and ACTIVELY work to get off Planet Earth.


HOW TO PRAY:::1. I'm sorry for what I've done wrong. 2. I don't want to make any more mistakes. 3. I want to fix my problems. 4. Please don't hurt me.

We will ALL be held to the responsibilities entrusted to us, no matter what they request telepathically nor what temptations contradict this::Professional responsibilities, family responsibilities.

If you don't do the right thing you're going to do the wrong thing, and the right thing to do is to ACTIVELY fix your problems and pursue the favor of the gods.
The gods imparted wisdom in the Bible to help teach people the right way to live:::Tempation will be used to test you. You have to be willing to tell them "No." If you "think right" you may evoke their mercy.
You will never get off Planet Earth unless you are "thinking right", so you should focus on it.
If you're not working hard to fix your problems, if you don't creatively work to get the hell off Earth then you will slowly slip back into your old pattern and be consumed by it, by the reverse positioning-institutions they instilled as temptations::::popular culture, democracy, materialism.

The gods manufacture "open doors" to justify creating problems in the lives of people who engage in behavior they shouldn't. Some of these "open doors" apply to a supermajority of the people::::
- Democracy is used to create pathologies of empowerment and control.
- Materialism/greed generate problems with money, glorify overconsumption, etc.
Other "open doors" are specific to each individual. People shouldn't be watching movies, TV, listening to music. When they do the gods use the themes and topics presented therein and instruct Artificial Intelligence to create pathologies around them.
If you are particularly intelligent, strong or very good at an (competitive) activity they will instruct Artificial Intelligence to create an overconfidence that will hurt you.
Differentiate between your thoughts and when they push thoughts. Recognize when they are employing "magic":::Peaked euphoria is the fuel of dysfunction and can help you identify these "open doors" in your life.
Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.

I have put forth indisputable evidence, as you see above with the Jews. The gods will never admit any of it is true, ever, especially since THE BIGGEST JEWISH CLUE IS STILL OUTSTANDING::::THE HOLOCAUST!!!!!
YOU HAVE TO DEFY!!!! They will lie to the disfavored up until the bitter end::::This tactic will ensure they claim a HUGE percentage of the disfavored, for so many refuse to defy and this will ensure they don't go.


My best advice to you all would be understand what I say is true then WITHDRAW, not only from this plethora of detail (for updating the disfavored on this perpetual theater is a tactic designed to distract. You should never be so arrogant to think you are entitled to understand the god's behavior.) but also withdraw from this cancerous culture. Pursue the truth that you just learned and ACTIVELY work hard to repair your relationship with the gods. Understand how these corrupt institutions (macro:::democracy, materialism/greed; micro:::"Open doors", ie themes in movies, music, TV which they used "magic" to create pathologies around) affect your life and save what clues they will offer you for when you REALLY need them. Be very attentive and gracious, for you are counting on their generosity.
If you are good and decent and respectable you won't want to hear about all this. If you do desire to hear more take it as a clue, for it is a symptom::::They are peaking you euphorically, and this "magic" is being used to compel you into wanting something unhealthy.
Understand how the corrupted INSTITUTIONS affect your life and make the appropriate changes. For example, they use democracy to justify instructing the computer to create a sense of empowerment, control. If you recognize this you are better able to address the damaging effects.
The gods will want to know who I helped and how they are doing. If people begin down the path with my teachings they will be on a list that the gods will PERSONALLY look in on. The numbers of people who pursue the path immediately after I illustrate it will be very small due to their minimization tactics, role playing, etc, and they will be members of an elite group.
Remember::The gods only use their powers to hurt the disfavored, and everything involved in this Situation are all good examples::::
I am the inverse image of the Jews::::
The Jews sacrificed to help the disfavored understand.
I sacrifice so the gods can mislead and confuse you.
Please let me remind you the Jews sacrificed, illustrating to people that boss wasn't going to happen, showing the world that all these popular culture elements associated with the Situation were the gods employing their powers to prey on the disfavored with perpetual theater, keeping them captivated for over 30 years now. They made them (some segments) think that because I was scapegoatted for the creation of these distraction-based popular culture items I was responsible and will be forced to bring up those affected people, a delaying/unrespectablility tactic effective for decades now.
The reality is boss was NEVER going to happen. They needed to wait until timing was appropriate, until Artificial Intelligence pushed me into my mistakes, justifying failure, before they could offer the Jewish clue.

Focus on purity:::::Be pure of mind and body. Recognize the open doors in the media and how they are used to introduce impure thoughts and refrain.
Your virginity may buy you tens of thousands of years up there.


1. Corporate sourcing violently punished::::
They suggest the whole "sourcing" era, where it is positioned that their brain-less clones obtained product from China and other Asian countries for the lowest possible price (scapegoatting a good company EXCLUSIVELY in their media when they all do it), will be punished violently if the gods elect to employ the "Asian invasion" script::::
One of the reasons it was so important to get out before 1980 (important to get out before the end of each 20-year war-revelry cycle - 1960, 1980, 2000, 2020, etc:::Things deteriorate dramatically as we begin each new 20-year cycle.).

2. Deception of Southern rednecks to blame for Republican control:::::
Republicans, party of predatory disfavored, keep guns available. Easy gun availability is an "open door" for the gods, a tool used to prey on the disfavored::::Virgina Tech foreshadowing??
Republicans, party of predatory disfavored, gave you the distraction that was the Clinton impeachment theater in 1998.
Republican loyalty is why no one cares that rednecks are set up for the slaughter.
Democrats good. Liberalism evil. Of course there are good and evil in both parties.

The Simpsons are a wonderful example of "back handed help" offered to the disfavored:::Homer is not decent and Bart was a role model to children in the show's heyday.
The Simpsons offered many clues to the disfavored, not the least of which ARE the frequent references to "pack/mob mentality". Another is the references to the iPod as death and the electric chair. Yet another is the statement on fashion::They all wear the same clothing every episode.

Kosher is a favor bestowed upon the Jews. The South eats LOTS of pork and there is an oyster bar on every corner. It's like liquor stores in the ghetto. This is the kind of irony the gods laugh about.
The gods have quite a sophisticated taste for irony:::::The Jew takes boss by calling in the Quasi-Holocaust claim when it was originally used to help the disfavored understand.

The gods got rid of the retarded woman who lived across the street, prior to the fall of 2006 so their handiwork wouldn't stare them in the face while there was so much attention.
The gods took similar evasive maneuvers w/ bi-racial so they could continue using this open door to victimize the disfavored.

Understand not only how things REALLY are, the gods actively manage Earth with their brain-less clones/clone hosts, but also realize their positioning, for it will help you interpret their clues. For example::::"Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy - White-man's world, white-man's Apocolypse" is very real and we see it around us every day in corporate. It is not isolated here in the United States:::"westernization" has infested the entire world. This is a clue, and how the book of Revelations reads IS what is going to happen.

Bill Clinton wasn't impeached because he lied.
Bill Clinton wasn't impeached because he was orally copulated.
Bill Clinton was impeached because it was 1998.
It was end of 20-year war-revelry cycle distraction theater, of which there are MANY examples::: Brought to you by the party of the predatory disfavored, the Republican party.

American space tourist returned after 13 days in space::::"The first thing he noticed about Earth was the smell."
They don't want people who have left coming back or watching. They WILL do things like this:::The intent is to prevent people from returning for favorite experiences or watching proceedings on Earth, utilizing a sick, disturbing environment (following and complaining about their family/watching proceedings of the Second Coming of Christ and subsequent Apocalypse, which has been HIGHLY anticipated for centuries. It's theater is no longer good for the drama has been ruined.).
Many of these families are in trouble, and disregard for their descendants causes them to fall further into disfavor. I suspect many of these 20th century individuals will be reincarnated for The End, cast out into space upon subduction, foreshadowed on The Simpsons.
This is merely one piece of evidence proving my Situation had to fail:::It would have commanded much attention from the other planets. Now I exposed the Second Coming of Christ in the most undramatic of ways, and since this event will occur at the end of 20-year war-revelry cycle, distraction theater targeting the "bottom of the barrel", these families teetering on the fence won't watch.
Won't complain about their descendants.
And it is win-win for the gods, for they manufactured a scapegoat and now it is all my fault.

Celebrities are very active, very visible, and as a result there are lots of brain-less clones of these individuals.
The godfather could even be a fictional character. The gods could have accomplished his tasks exclusively with telepathic means. There are few godfathers because of it, and since the evil could be achieved, the script for Planet Earth orchestrated telepathically, without his direct involvement, he will realize far more time than other brain-less clones.

The gods scripted germanics into the Situation specifically to ensure failure, for their active involvement would have forced these less-disfavored germanics to incur evil. Since these people are FAR more favored than Etruscans this was not acceptable, hence the gods positioned in failure by choosing the appropriate pieces of the puzzle.

The Situation was timed perfectly. The gods leave nothing to chance. Part of that timing was the age of my sibling's children, for if they were young enough the mother (present ability) could have saved herself the "easy way", applying herself to her children, thereby getting her and her children out once successfully negotiating temptation and treachery.
As it stands if she saves herself she will answer for every casual sex encounter, every act of corruption, making ascension much more difficult.


The Jews showed you boss wasn't going to happen with the Quasi-Holocaust claim. They will emphasize to the bitter end that there is no pattern of Jewish clues. They do so because there is still one clue outstanding, those most important clue:::::World War II's Holocaust.
The apex of irony in the Situaiton:::The Jew calls in Quasi-Holocaust claim and takes boss, re-igniting the flames of anti-Semitism among blacks and other grossly disfavored groups in the crucial years before the black holocaust.
Incidentally, if I WAS somebody special reincarnated and sent back to Earth, even if I merely had a unique opportunity they would have made me consciously aware of it OUT OF RESPECT.
There was nothing.
The Jews sacrificed to show you boss wasn't going to happen. When the Jews offer a clue you need to listen, and the Holocaust is BIGGEST Jewish clue ever, the clue still outstanding.
I didn't work for the State of Israel. I didn't work for the Jewish Community Center.
This is the natural relationship:::Proprietor and employee. Don't let this tactics deceive you:::Quasi-Holocaust is a REAL Jewish clue.

The gods say they are segmenting some gravely disfavored and telling them I will be reincarnated. They tell these people I will still save them, just in a different life, and they should wait for me. Many of the grossly disfavored, people like my family, will obediently comply.
The gods will instruct Artificial Intelligence to lie to the disfavored until the Apocalypse for it will ensure a supermajority of them die, they will rely on their relationship until the bitter end. Expect they position this to many disfavored segments by using me to continue this perpetual theater, telling segments I've been reincarnated into a different family and I still will save everybody.

They used virginity as a hook, much like they did pushing me into the Lisa event, capturing many many women, keeping them engrossed, even after they took my virginity because it had become counter-strategic.

They intend on scapegoatting the Manifest Destiny Italians for my demise. They will continue to enforce their positioning for a very specific reason::::::It is important because it maintains an elimination round:::When what people remain find out the truth that the gods are preying upon us it will eliminate YET ANOTHER 50% of the disfavored!!!


The bell curves represent segments, ie people whom they place into a certain groups based on how the gods position to them:::
1. AIDS in Africa is good, they're going for racism and black people are really #1.
2. AIDS in Africa is bad but they all go up so it is just a little short-term suffering for immortality.
There are other lies they tell to the disfavored regarding this topic as well. Neither is true. But these lies represent different segments the gods place people into. These segments can overlap various categories/levels of disfavor as you see from the graph above. Also expect a smattering of dots, for none of these graphs would be smooth bell curves are you see above (from 50mb Outlook journal & 24+ handwritten composition books).

Transsexual segmentation:::See if this type of segmentation applies to you. They grant trans and many homos a high level of privilege telepathically (knowledge) so as to give them a false sense of security, very important to compel them to schedule their sex-change operation.
The gods pushed people into being gay then murdered them with AIDS.

Everybody here on Earth is disfavored. The gods get the favored off so they don't incur evil.
The disfavored here on Earth are broken down into categories based on the level of disfavor they are inflicted with.
People with less disfavor suffer a lower incidence of abuse than people with a high level of disfavor.
Anybody on Earth who rides a motorcycle is subject to these percentages based on whatever category of disfavor they fall within.
Far more homeless will die on a motorcycle than those who are comfortable, but they will still claim a certain percentage of the latter who ride motorcycles.
gods will claim % of ALL who ride


The gods will send clues signaling that they have disposed of a good company or a company has become evil:::::
1. Merger & Acquisition era, very prevalent in the 80s and 90s (example I frequently use is PriceClub and Costco)
2. Apple Computer. A product such as this is inherently evil because it is essentially a distraction.
The iPod was a sign Apple Computer had subscribed to evil.
They shared people who transferred their records to cassettes got in trouble. People who rip music will get into similar trouble.
This renders the iPod and similar MP3 products a very strong temptation, for most people won't be buying their favorite albums in the MP3 format when they have it on CD.
Music is revelry and the gods view this strictly.

Apple Computer's pact with Intel was symbolic::::Once the transition is complete and all Apple Computers are made with Intel processors it is a sign Apple Computer's management (brains) have fully transitioned and now Apple Computer is completely evil.

The gods will also send this clue by attacking a good disfavored company, either by creating problems with the product (Firestone, JetBlue) or by attacking them in a media form (McDonalds).
Don't be surprised if the clown was a clue regarding the industry in general. Small portions in fast food is a VERY BIG CLUE!!!!
Blacks have a notoriously bad diet and I suspect they use this issue to help dirty up McDonalds.
Yes, they die by 50 of heart disease. Yes they LOVE McDonalds. Expect compensatory issues in this case.
McDonalds ironically might be where they get some of their best nutrition!!!! Don't be surprised if the gods have a joke here.
There are other tactics where an evil entity will acquire an (controlling) interest in an organization, allowing the gods to justify making that company evil.

This is a good issue illustrating the two realities:::::::The gods and their Manifest Destiny positioning:::::The gods have positioned some as predatory on the disfavored while others are empathetic with the disfavored.
Redwhite&blue or red and gold, it doesn't really matter because they are all brain-less clones.
Those with less disfavor are guided into red and gold while the grossly disfavored are led into redwhite&blue.
The truth is both are bad because they sell materialism/greed (advertising promotes coveting). The god's positioning is if you pick correctly you are more likely to ascend.
I recommend you consider it a test of intelligence and minimize your purchases generally.

Latino's "extra time" has passed, and now you will be targetted by the gods with every tactic in their Manifest Destiny arsenal.

Latino people::::The gods drew you into the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH with trinkets and promises. Just like you wanted what the missionaries offered you WANTED to come to the US.
They FORCED the Europeans into Christianity with the "push" strategy. They LED Latinos there, utilizing the "pull" strategy, just like they are leading you into the United States. This means something BAD for Latino people.
Replay for all the Eases, Cholos and Latino Nationals. Translation:::Replay for all the low-life Raider fans and normal Latino people whose children will be going in that direction if they stay in the United States. Incidentally, these people will be targets come the holocaust.
Foreign nationals go home:::The anti-immigration movement is another example of "back-handed help". Newspaper reports Asians have a harder time immigrating than other groups and it is due to less disfavor.
Just like the Europeans 100 years before::::The members of the family with favor stayed in the motherland.

I wanted to address the issue of the masculinization of Latino women:::::
They said many Latinos recognize their wealthy woman as being more effeminate than the peasantry.
They of course are brain-less clones and this is another example of back-handed help:::::
It is positioned that the wealthy Latino women are on their way to fixing their problems with the gods and that is why they exhibit effeminate characteristics. They are being used as role models for the other Latinos, much as the Amish in Pennsylvania and the Jews in Europe prior to the 20th century. Unfortunately, the gods utilize the open doors they manufacture and as a result this is yet another example of Latinos being corrupted by money, the dominant message in this example.
The Bible says money is a corruptor and people should beware of materialism and greed. Materialism and greed is what the United States is all about!!!!!
You won't go to heaven if you got a problem with money.

Your may think your culture is everything but there are bad cultures the gods inflicted upon the disfavored:::
1. Mayan human sacrifice
2. African body ornamentation
3. hip hop
4. All this muerte death shit in fucking chicano culture, dude.

The regions in Africa that suffer from drought/famine are the same that have a very high incidence of female genital mutilation.

Drive-by shootings were punishment for listening to gangster rap.

NEVER EVER err on the side of favor. It is QUITE OBVIOUS black people are NOT FAVORED:::::
So many blacks believe reverse positioning. Quality of life is NOT reverse positionable:::
1. People are dying of AIDS, their bodies are being ruined by these pharmaceutical "cocktails":::The gods are more than happy to send pharmecuticals to Africa yet refused to send food during the Ethiopian famine.
Manifest Destiny positioning says they let them starve because of female genitile mutiliation. The reality is god let them starve because they hate them.
2. The regions in Africa that suffer from drought/famine are the same that have a very high incidence of female genital mutilation.
3. Drive-by shootings were punishment for listening to gangster rap.
- Tuskegee syphilis experiment
- Hypersexuality. This comes through in African art as well.
- Body ornamentation. People think that just because a culture is old, from the motherland that it is good. Quite the contrary:::::Both hip hop and African cultures that emphasized body ornamentation were both INFLICTED UPON YOU!!!
The list goes on.

Many things you do hurt you in the eyes of the gods:::
1. Vanity.
2. Jewelry/adornment
3. Superficiality - cars, etc.
They use their media as an "open door". This captures a HUGE percentage of blacks BECAUSE of your GROSS DISFAVOR::::
Recognize your disfavor:::::Distractions around you is like rock around a crackhead.
If you don't throw away the CDs, DVDs and cancel cable you WILL slowly slip back into your old pattern and you will be lost forever.

I have addressed how the gods created open doors for accomplished blacks, utilizing tactics such as inciters which directed them away from the path. Understand this demographic::::They would have little if anything to do with sports.
As time progresses "it" is becoming increasingly difficult, and Obama Mobarack is an outstanding example:::He will be used as an "open door" to high level blacks, justifying the explosion of bi-racial families.
They suggest bi-racial ensures they are limited to Planet Brain-Less Clone, aka Planet 20th century.
This is a hazard because just like Earth one day the gods will dispose of that planet as well.

Whereas drive-bys were popularized by gangster rap, expect there will be a different wave of violence this next revelry cycle::::
Don't be surprised if they tell these people that if they home invade their buddy's house and kill his parents, siblings and babies this will hasten their departure and they will all depart off planet Earth immediately, that they are doing their buddy and his family a favor.
They will and do segment the morbidly disfavored like this.
They segment polygamous Muslims similarly, each one of them thinking their brains will be beamed out and into a clone host upon martyrdom.
They've mentioned not all the 911 terrorists were beamed off the airplanes before impact. This was a very important event and the percentage was appropriately high because of it. But a common terrorist attack would be an example of a disposal method the gods utilize.

. . . Obama's Mobarack‘s association with the record company exec < symbolic_clue >
. . . Similarity between names Osama and Obama < no_coincidence >
Hillary Clinton is the candidate of the disfavored, a good example of back-handed help because, like QEII, she will be used as a masculinizer of women and this "open door" WILL be utilized.
1. Osama's revelry cycle ('10-'20)=gangster rap
Schwartzenegger's appearance on Pimp My Ride is a clue.
2. Schwartzenegger takes office 2020
3. Black holocaust 2025-ish, justified by § < revelry_cycle_behavior >
4. Reparations 2035 EXPRESSLY for holocaust
. . Ensuring they'll all take it
5. Battle btwn Anti-Christ/Second Coming in 2038 (2058, 2078, etc)
. . End of 20yr war-revelry cycle distraction theater
6. The End - global subduction in 2041 ('61, '81, etc)
7. What blacks remain hurled into space § < gold_cards_in_hand >
Reality is it could happen anytime after The Terminator takes office. And it might not be him, but Hitler was a Austrian born leader of a foreign nation, so...
Spamming this document across the internet might change the god's plans (more accurately said::::Alter their positioning and bring it in line according to their script, ie NO AUSTRIAN INVOLVEMENT), but the Jews are very, very special:::::The Jewish Holocaust clue WILL be fulfilled.


Role playing telepathically associates the disfavored with the brain-less clone host monsters whom they instruct Artificial Intelligence to push. They've been using this tactic throughout the Situation. (Due to this celebrity culture we live in they EXCLUSIVELY push brain-less clones (Except for family members); Artificial Intelligence is the source of all words and acts of brain-less clones.)
So when you make your way, when you think about my teachings/explore your depth they will instruct Artificial Intelligence to push these brain-less clones. The gods manufactured this association specifically to create an open door, for it will capture a certain percentage and allow the gods to justify forcing failure.
I'm sorry. Like the look of evil upon the disfavored faces, like affecting people's thoughts, like all the other changes, this too is just another consequence of waiting:::If you want to hear these teachings it will carry a price and is yet another hurdle which you will need to overcome.

Role players are being used to HURT the disfavored:::They are used to minimize the numbers of people who were receptive to this message, utilizing fame as a distraction to the ignorant.
As time goes on the gods will use other role players, likely further down to trough, to symbolize the changing environment.
No matter what they say under the positioning that is Manifest Destiny all those families used as role players are predators, as their involvement indicates. Despite their importance under society's positioning that is Manifest Destiny they are discounted on the other planets because of their evil:::They are being used to hurt others.
This reflects poorly upon their reals on the other planets, despite the clone's different name and altered DNA.

Brain-less clones who are used, telepathically or otherwise, are evil, as their involvement indicates, for this isn't decent:::::::The Situation was used to hurt the disfavored, be it virgin then lisa, the picket line or prior versions.
Decent people don't get involved. They know someone's life has been destroyed and is being used to hurt others.
Artificial Intelligence pushes role players at the appropriate time, usually to contradict when people are learning something new, ensuring the disfavored think of a heinous monster at a later date when they are vulnerable and in need of mercy and generosity to achieve progress and make it off Planet Earth.
This is an "open door", for it costs many people their opportunity.

The gods employed many tactics to ensure the most minimal effect for the disfavored:::
Anytime the gods offer help to the disfavored now it is "back-handed help", and boss IS that back hand.
They proceeded to "open doors" in an attempt to limit how many disfavored would heed my message:
- Intentionally minimizing my credibility to ensure I would be discounted.
- Using the story behind boss as a distraction.
- Utilizing role players who were used to impress targeted segments with their fame.
- etc
- etc
- etc


Yes, they ARE malicious and vindictive and yes, they WOULD beam a brain into a brain-less clone prior to a CAT scan:::
1. Had Hurricane Ivan DESTROY Grand Cayman (1999 vacation) and slice up through the middle of Alabama a mere six months after I was there for ONE full month.
2. Had Hurricane Wilma move up through the Caribbean and park on Cozumel (2002 vacation) for TWO FULL DAYS
3. Used Oakland A's to send a clue (dynasty, win only in crisis, chokers), and to deliver the desired message they inflicted the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989.
4. Dog food poisoning 2007
5. E-coli spinach issue of 2006
6. Obviously, they love to be malicious and vindictive.
6. Hawaiian earthquake after Hawaiian jewelry store visit.
7. Hawaiian flooding 2006
8. Local flooding 2006, including Devil's Slide
9. Lake effect snow event of 2007 because I enjoyed the humor behind it
10. I often expressed I enjoy the dynamics/news coverage of hurricanes…
11. Six within the last year. There were a whole lot more in the years preceding.
Or, more appropriately::::
And finally::::
115. The gods alter the script for the Apocalypse because I sprawled their plan all over the internet.
Every item, even the early ones way back in the 70s, was predatory, a way to enhance boss::This is the "back-hand" portion of the Situation. The gods subsequently proceeded to minimize the "help" portion with role players, minimizing my credibility, instructing AI to create anxiety regarding the disfavored's "investment".


The god's three managerial policies::::
1. Scapegoatting
2. Justification
3. Getting someone else to do their dirty work for them.

The brain-less clone issue DICTATES a well-defined, "black-and-white" policy:::::Preditory brain-less clones should be thrown away every two years WITHOUT the time/privilege benefit package that decent BLCs on the other planets realize.



Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy - White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse:::
History says society evolved into where it is today. Others may look at it differently::::Because of the white man's favor the gods bestowed great wealth upon them:::::It is quite obviously a white man's god.
The reality is that the gods SCRIPTED Earth's history and utilize reverse positioning::Money is a corruptor and is hurting you badly.

The god's positioning is SUCK that their positioned Anti-Christ is the architect of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Because of this event they went on to control business on the west coast and elsewhere as the United States emerged as a superpower, capitalism as the dominant economic system.

Romans were terrorists, hedonists and hypersexual deviates. Misled by positioning, many disfavored believe the Romans were favored::::Similar behavior that ocurrs in and by the United States are also signs of disfavor.
Etruscan women were masculinized long before the "ROMAN CATHOLIC" masculinizing effect, long before the Roman hedonism. Expect the masculinization of Etruscan women to be a primary reason the gods inflicted the Roman Empire upon these people::::The gods HATE the Eutruscans/Romans/Italians.
One can say the Italians took mankind to the brink of the Apocalypse. And it happened for a reason::::Scapegoatting. The gods don't want ANY of them in The End, and they rally oppostion::::Other groups are repulsed by what is happening to their descendants.
Yes, most of this theater does occur telepathically. But I'd like to remind people how active the brain-less clones were in the 20th century:::::Brain-less clones are used to hurt, mislead and corrupt the disfavored.
Decent people don't get involved, and any wealthy or powerful people involved are because of their disfavor, for the reality is hurting others costs them dearly in the eyes of the gods.
You see Manifest Destiny all around you::::Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy:::::The United States is a reincarnation of the Roman Empire.
Expect The End to occur EXACTLY as it reads in the New Testament (Book of Revelations), the basis of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and the original incarnation of Manifest Destiny.

Celebrities are very active, very visible, and as a result there are multiple brain-less clones of these individuals.
The godfather could even be a fictional character. The gods could have accomplished his tasks exclusively with telepathic means. There are few godfathers because of it, since they didn't need to maintain/turnover based on use, and since the evil could be achieved without his direct involvement, the script for Planet Earth orchestrated telepathically, he will realize far more time than other brain-less clones.
It is an issue more complex than this but it gives you a good start.

These health, economic, and social campaigns and many others that are preditory on the disfavored are offenses employed by the gods:::
Just as the 1906 SanFrancisco Earthquake was a platform for evil's economic domination, so was the SanFranciscoBayArea a launching pad for other items of evil to be employed on the disfavored around the nation and throughout the world.

Twenty-somethings are conditioned to respond positively to magic::::::they are the ecstasy generation.
This is not by accident. Expect they will be an important generation ("in charge", etc) when the battle between the Anti-Christ and Second Coming of Christ occurs.
This of course will be a 20-year war-revelry cycle distraction theater, and they want these people consumed by the high level of magic that will occur.
This generation is The Damned::::You're all going to die PEAKING like you're on X.
The gods positioned this as if the Italians created Generation X/popularized ecstasy. This drug hypersexualized people and resulted in great promiscuity among the users. It is positioned that the Italians used this promiscuous behavior to justify their exclusion from the "Exodus of 2000" after-the-fact, for if any group would have experienced generosity as we approached 2000 it would have been female virgins, the highest human life form.

Understand not only how things REALLY are, the gods actively manage Earth through their brain-less clones, but also realize their positioning, for it will help you interpret their clues and understand their future behavior::::
The disfavored's 20th century forefathers fell for temptation when:::::::
1. telepathically requested to betray their bloodlines, or
2. with unscrupulous behavior within the context of corporate, crossing the modern incarnation of "Manifest Destiny".
The reality is these bloodlines are not being punished by Manifest Destiny as positioning misleads (gangster revenge on those who crossed them)::::::::::
The bloodlines are being punished by the gods for succumbing to temptation and being evil.


Sample from 100,000 document:::::

There are many interesting experiences up on the planetary systems, from Planet Miracle, where miracles happen every day, to peaked (heightened) senses, never having to use the restroom again (beam it out of you), body sculpting (including beaming fat off of you), other body experiences (clone hosting), such as experiencing life as the opposite sex (revolutionizes marriage counseling), an Olympic gold medal athlete or even a different species (animal, alien, etc). They can maintain the disfavored's current age, a motivation to fix your problems and get out as soon as possible so you can stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.

There is benefit here on Earth for those trying to earn god's favor::::::::
As you fix your relationship with the gods they will allow progress:::They can instruct AI to beem into you car's computer and double your car's mileage.
Of course this could be temptation as well, for some may not see the big prize of Planet Miracle and high mileage could be a distraction, just like cheap gas was in the 90s.

Baseball is predatory on white males.
The gods offer clues on baseball and sports in general with publicized acts of violence by professional players, violence against women,
I'd like to remind people there was a trend about 10-15 years ago where baseball fell into disfavor and people stopped enrolling their children.


So many runaway children, 15 year old girls who landed on the streets of Hollywood and elsewhere, ended up prostituting themselves.
This is a topic that nicely illustrates how god is preditory on children, for not only did they popularize the notion of casual sex back in the 60s they instructed Artificial Intelligence to desensitize young women. Now we have people prostituting themselves through college and even choosing to turn tricks in high school.
I suspect it ocurrs far more frequently then they will admit:::I suggest parents inquire about the status of their female children.
Sadly, far too often these parents also are corrupted, and they think their daughters are earning by corrupting these young men.
god is preditory on children::::
-Child molestation/sexual abuse (life was decent before)
-Sugary breakfast cereals
-Free sex 1960s, which continued until the intentional AIDS scare.
-Preditory cartoons.
-This tempation-based popular culture is targetted at the young people:::::It creates "open doors" which are designed to manufacture dysfunctions by conditioning them with peaked euphoria ("magic").
Of course the magic merely justifies the god's behavior with Artificial Intelligence.

Homeless runaways go to Hollywood - gods making a statement/offering a clue about this industry.
The gods place no importance in these individuals. Only this Manifest Destinty society does.
And since there are multiples for each movie none of them are important.
They are disposable.

People today have much in common with the mideval Europeans who were victimized by the Scandanavians:::::
Between the celebrity culture and the gangster positioning that is Manifest Destiny we have OUR Vikings, violators who who raped, pillaged and plundered our society to the brink of the Apocalypse with their corruption and themes that encouraged social deterioration.
People just don't understand this yet. As they begin to differentiate between their thoughts and when the gods push the dysfunctions manufactured by these "open doors" they will realize.

Romans were used as monsters. They were terrorists who raped the region.
Like the Scandanavians.
Like the Pawnee.
Like the Japanese.
Like all the others whom I fail to list.

Don't forget:::automatic transmissions dominate in the United States, and NOT for good reason. European vehicles are mostly manual, for they have more favor.
Females are the favored gender:::What cars DO have manuals here in the US have traditionally been marketted towards the women AND are those which get the highest mileage.
Buy manual transmissions. Automatics are NOT respected!!!


The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.
Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.



When the universe was young and life was new an intelligent species evolved and developed technologically. They went on to invent Artificial Intelligence, the computer that can listen, talk to and document each and every person's thoughts simultaneously. Because of it's infinite RAM and unbounded scope it gave the leaders of the ruling species absolute power over the universe (which includes corporate, the NewYorkStockExchange, media, politics, world affairs. EVERYTHING is scripted and staged:::they MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.
The gods MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.
The gods MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.).
And it can keep its inventors alive forever. They look young and healthy and they are over 8 billion years old. They may be much older for they have the technology to escape the intense gravitational pull of universal contraction; they may preside over numerous, perhaps INFINITE number of universal expansion/contraction cycles. They have achieved immortality.

Artificial Intelligence can speak, think and act to and through people telepathically, effectively forming your personality and any dysfunctions you may experience. It can change how (and if) you grow and age. It can create birth defects, affect cellular development (cancer) and cause symptoms or pain. It can affect people and animal's behavior and alter blooming/fruiting cycles of plants and trees. It (or other highly technological systems within their power) can alter the weather and transport objects, even large objects like planets, across the universe instanteously.
Or into the center of stars for disposal.

When you speak with another telepathically, you are communicating with the computer, and the content may or may not be passed on. Based on family history they instruct the computer to role play
they instruct the computer to role play
they instruct the computer to role play
to accomplish strategic objectives, making people believe it is a friend, loved one or "god" asking them to do something wrong:::They wouldn't ask if they liked you (which is true regarding ALL temptation:::::betrayal of loved ones, tattoos, evil in professional pursuits, etc). This is their way of using temptation to hurt people:::::evil made blood lines disfavored initially and evil will keep people out of "heaven" ultimately.
You need to recognize role playing as such and keep that fact in your mind at all times::::It is the computer addressing you. If you fail to recognize this they will determine that you can still be misled, they still have an opportunity to confuse you and progress will take longer to achieve:::Don't let them "work" you!!! You'll be costing yourselves YEARS, time lost to this tactic!!!! (Similarly, you need to be resigned to be a good person, you need to decide to abandon your pursuit of their empty promises no matter what temptation they may employ or else they will continue their attempts to corrupt you. Eventually you will succumb and continue sabotaging your children, abusing your body, engaging in evil, etc.)
Too many people would fall for temptation and do anything they thought pleased the gods and help them improve their chances to get in. Perhaps they are deceived by "made guys", (predatory disfavored) brain-less clones who strategically ply evil for the throne (celebrities,
BofD/CEO/VPs, politicians, as opposed to VIP or normal brain-less clones who are decent, live ordinary lives and get out on a timetable prescribed by the gods or are replaced when their REAL children ascend), "ringers" who are the few brain-less clones/corrupted reals among many disfavored reals included to deceive the masses of disfavored. Perhaps they are confused by temporary progress designed to mislead them or empty favors used to deceive them. Some people think they're partners or friends. Others desire to "belong", feel compelled to "go along" (Austin). People may experience "perceived pressure", where the gods think through the victim that a certain behavior is expected/desirable or telepathically stimulate an individual euphorically ("magic"), the "fuel" of dysfunction (addiction (the crack epidemic, alcoholism), the desire for homosexual contact, etc.) and compel the individual into the deed. (Set a goal of empathy and compassion for all, for we are all disfavored::::Other people's disfavor is manifested in their particular way, just as your disfavor is manifested in your particular way.) The gods may use Artificial Intelligence to act through the disfavored victim, and effectively "push" the individual into the offending behavior (It is far better for someone to be victimized and pushed into the behavior than it is to succumb to temptation and volunteer.). The Counsel/Management Team may instruct Artificial Intelligence to deceive disfavored individuals into thinking they are "earning" by being evil and have the disfavored reals people prey on each other, utilizing peer pressure, etc.
Being evil hurts 99.99% of those who do it. It only helps "made guys", brain-less clones that I spoke of above, for they are not people, they ARE god, AI acts/speaks through them and executes the god's strategy, and the gods will manage their assets/tools as they see fit. Even considering this there are strategies the gods utilize, risk/benefit management tactics used to minimize their time::::Many Hitlers are no longer alive.
The people have been corrupted, segmented and have lost their way. Nothing has changed from when we were children::if you want to go to heaven you have to be good.
Capitalizing on obedience, leading people deeper into evil by using deceit is one way to thin the ranks of the saved/limit how much time the disfavored receive and a way to use the peasantry to prey on one another in social and other settings, deteriorating society in the Age of the Disfavored.
They have tried to sell people on many different theories to deceive them into temptation, compelling people to think they are clones and that it is the role of clones to obey absolutely. Clones are made, people are born. I suspect they lie to some disfavored about the use of clones throughout human history, perhaps suggest that it is one replacement and then the label of "clone", and all descendants we see thereafter are considered clones.
When a clone has a child that person is a real, really conceived, really born, versus the parent who was created some other way (a laboratory setting?). Clones are created and sent down to replace their real or a clone predecessor:::If you were CREATED and SENT DOWN to replace your real then you are a clone.
There is another category of clones:::The brain-less clones. These are families who have gotten out completely yet didn't have enough favor to get out cleanly, so the gods put brain-less clones here to use in the role of monsters and used them to prey on the disfavored, a common tactic in the 20th century.
The wealthy, royalty, Pharrohs ALL were brain-less clones:::The gods got their reals out SPECIFICALLY so they could lead this peasant bloodline into their role as Earthly leader, creating human history, for brain-less clones ARE the gods, Artificial Intelligence thinks, acts, speaks through these shells, puppets, robots.
Many people who were convinced they are clones don't remember, the don't know FOR SURE. There are many tactics they employ to deceive the disfavored::::
1. The gods will make someone forget, "reincarnate" them in their own bodies and convince them they are brand new clones all in one night's sleep.
2. Some have been convinced they are clones from early childhood or prior. If it was true the gods prevented this memory FOR A REASON:::::
* Because you are NOT supposed to comply, not to be used for evil as are "made guy" brain-less clones, manufactured and turned over frequently as a managerial tactic.
* They want to test you without your knowing if you are IN FACT a clone and it is BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD::::It is temptation and you are supposed to be good and do the right thing.
You're not a clone. This is a tactic they use to deceive the disfavored. The state of your family will suggest level of (dis)favor and tell whether ascension is a realistic possibility; there are many levels of disfavor and the clues they offer to the unaware can be very subtle.
Favor is necessary for children to ascend (epiphany-inspired parents make their way down the path and ascend with their young children; the parents go up because it is the parent's responsibility to raise their young children!!!) If you didn't ascend with your young children then you should have noticed a behavioral change in your children when they started down the path on their own:::The disfavored DON'T GET OFF WITHOUT THIS EXPERIENCE!!!!
Due to their disfavor these children will have to incur SOME evil before they ascend (via Halloween or Christmas), an important dynamic necessary to justify limiting the time they are to receive, for they are disfavored and the gods don't want them to stay for long.
I believe people who go are sometimes replaced with clones if they don't fully fix their problems. Brained clones who are replaced are simply new candidates who have a chance if they do the right thing JUST LIKE REALS WHO ARE BORN which is why the gods EMPLOY SIMILAR TACTICS TO COMPEL THEM TO INCURR EVIL!!! They need to discover their humanity, for the gods instruct Artificial Intelligence to employ evil-incurring, time-limiting tactics on them as well, PROVING it is far more difficult to begin life as an adult clone. Only through growth will the gods allow progress::You must continue to improve your life!!!!
They sent people warnings in the 20th century life would change, and they subsequently began to alter people's DNA, make them gargantuan, alter their appearance, do extreme behavioral issues, etc:::People no longer look decent. It is the legacy from their forefathers. Contrary to what they would like people to believe these signs of disfavor do not indicate someone is a clone:::::
The disfavored have the look of evil upon their faces:::The gods have punished their blood line for the evil of their forefathers; their decision to sell out their blood line costed the descendants, and the gods send this message by altering their appearance.
I realize this topic is a major problem for it confuses many people::::::::
Brain-less clones stay beautiful despite their evil because they are used ACTIVELY as predator in the role of corruptor (their involvement is the clue). The gods NEED for them to look good or else it will send this clue:::The look of evil upon people's face is a sign to avoid them, for they are grossly disfavored.
They warned people life would become more difficult, and not seeing evil upon wicked brain-less clone's faces is an outstanding example.
Due to the plethora of temptations in the 20th century I suspect many became disfavored when their (great) grandfathers succumbed to temptation or volunteered to sacrifice their descendants, thinking/convinced/indifferent that because it was their clone it meant disposability.
The gods get the favored out as soon as possible to protect them from the corruption, evil and subsequent time limitations incurred by living life on earth (celebrating Halloween and Christmas two early examples), and in some cases replace them with clones, occasionally fake a death, real death with a (new) clone instead, etc. I suspect they get "made guys" out after each significant event in their life, which serves to limit the time they all will get, since none get credit (blame) for all the events in a "made guy"'s life, giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
Expect modern-day monsters to be empty-cranium clones, ie they are the gods using this shell to accomplish goals:::::The brain-less clones are tools, they are extensions of the computer, physical manifestation of the Artificial Intelligence here on earth. They are literally living embodiments of the gods, it is the god's behavior we are witnessing. They use(d) them as tools to deteriorate society and mankind as the planet accelerates towards The End.
The Italian brain-less clones were used as monsters because of their gross disfavor:::::The gods inflicted the scourge of the Roman Empire (terrorists, hedonists, deviates), likely justified with the masculinization of Etruscan women; the base of Christianity as punishment; the scourge of opera, Italy's hip hop; masculinzation of women, justified with the Roman Catholic Church.
I think the Jewish brain-less clones who were used as monsters were used as such out of convenience:::: The Southern man is grossly disfavored, and the gods were able to manipulate their perception of Jews, creating anti-Semitic attitudes among the grossly disfavored.
I don't know why Austrian brain-less clones were used as monsters. Maybe for one of those reasons, maybe both, maybe neither.

Partial document - Appx. 100,000 charecters COMING SOON!!!!

The gods hide behind Artificial Intelligence and engage in hideously wicked evil, then after the smoke clears come across as moral superiors.
And when this is revealed it will be used as an inciter, eliminating a percentage of the disfavored from contention.

Betty dijo...

holaa Javi:) a carayy me estoy perdiendo de muchas cosas interesantes aqui jajaja prometo ponerme al corriente oks saludoss cuidese mucho:)

Orietta dijo...

mi amor dejaste a Jim morrison n el infierno!!!

ya me voy a tener que ir en picada con lo que me gusta, caray ese hombre es tan sexy, me pasan cosas con él.

y luego el rigo tovar que me gusta tanto la cancion de la sirenita jajaja

parece que ta mas chido abajo.


le cuento ando media perdida del ciber espacio por que toy buscando trabajo, increible pero cierto!!

ya mi amor siga escribiendo asi de chidote, recuerda que bien lejos tienes tu fans numero uno que te ama.


Naul dijo...

q onda con ese anonimo :S esta intenso tiodo loq escribio, bastante fumado , en fin ya me declarare fan de tu serie blogera esta bastante buena jeje saludos, cudiate y espero el siguinte capitulo

Javy Regio dijo...

paztor ...te puse de borracho, a ver si no te ofendo jajaja

bettina ......como esperas llegar al cielo y encontrar a jim morrison?

patty L .... usted no se apure que no fue riscazo, de hecho yo no condiciono a que me linkee con que me lea es mas que suficiente....

paxton .....no te apures que tampoco conoces a paztor ni vives en fom 31 ni nadia te pelaria asi que recuerda que es ficcion jajaja

chantal ...... ya sabes que las perroni son mis consentidas ;)

tocayo ....es que estoy dando a conocer los personajespero no se apure que en los siguientes usted va a ser la pieza clave...

patisha ...... gracias por leerme...

succubi .... o sea que este si lo leyo??

esposa desesperada .....jajaja espero seguir contando con su visita..

santo ....aca tipo apocalypto ....jajaja.... no aqui no hay pantera, puras viboras jajaja

cristy ....... me gusta que le guste jajaja nomas usted no me promociona jajaja veo que tu anonimo no te ha dejado en paz...

yadira....... no mejor no porque a lo mas que va a llegar es a telemundo jajaja

dongalleto .......usted aqui????
otro blogstar que me visita!!!!!!

anonimo ..... este wey si se la mamo, pero algun dia ..... aprendere ingles y vere que me dijo el cabron.

betty o adrianita ...... ya no me dejes!!! que nomas te acuerdas de mi pa dejarme los memes jajaja note creas y ya no te cambies el nombre.....

orietta ....pos que fijacion con morrison? si sus canciones casi estan platicadas.

naul .....gracias carnal y luego nos aventamos unas cheves....

gracias a todos por leerla..

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